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4 Exclusive Steps to find the best Architect in Chennai 2020


So you have built the best looking Wooden home in your city or maybe you are just looking to build a spectacular house for yourself. You hired the best civil engineers and selected a location that would suit all your needs. This is your dream house, a place that you would love to call your home.

But there’s one problem though

You are looking for an architect for this beautiful home that you are building. You have tried finding the perfect architect, but are not satisfied with the offers or their expertise.

Maybe you just want to take a look at more architects before you close a deal and sign them up for your dream.

If anyone of those situations sounds like yours, then you are in the right place. This article was written with you in mind and we are sure that our foolproof steps will help you find the best architects in town for your Architectural Needs.

Let’s get started with the First step

Google up the term “best Architects in Chennai “: It isn’t foolproof, but it’s a good place to get started

Google has been around for a long time now and it has been effectively helping us build a better life. They have worked at their algorithm to deliver the most appropriate results for their users ( that’s you and me ).

It is a very good choice to start with google as it provides you with options, which you can later choose from. Search for terms like “best architect in Chennai “ or “ best interior designers in chennai” and you will get a number of results including webpages, videos and blog posts.

Browse their Website and Note down their contact details.

Once you are done with the search, you can go through each website and select the website that seems relevant to your liking. Go through their websites and if you are someone who likes to get dirty, make a portfolio and record each website with their location and contact address.

Once you have 20- 30 websites, you will be good to go with the next step.

Look for a portfolio on their website.

The best architects in Chennai will always have a portfolio of their previous work on their website. Even if they don’t have one, you can always contact them and request one to be delivered to your mail – ID.

NOTE: Some interior Designers also deliver a physical portfolio in person if you are interested. If you are someone who loves t

Anyways, after you get their portfolios of all the best architects in chennai, it is time to go through their work and identify their strengths and weaknesses.

How creative are they with their solutions?

How long does it take for Delivery ?

How is their Customer service ? – You can identify it from their testimonials.

How many projects have they worked on?

How many projects are they currently working on?

NOTE: you may get some of these details from the portfolio, so it is better to call them or put up an E-Mail with them.

Schedule a call (Or an in-person meeting) with your best Architect in Chennai;

Once you have gone through their portfolios and the work they have delivered, you can schedule a call with your top interior designers you have selected from their work. You can also visit their office space to get a good idea of how they work.

But the bigger idea in here is to discuss your needs and take a look at the solutions they are offering.

Once you decide you can trust one of these interior designers with your dream home, it is time to write up a legal contract and sign it. (The best architect in Chennai will be capable of creating their own legal documents for their projects).

And that’s the final step of deciding an Interior designer for your house

Don’t fo

Happy Housing

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