Fun Facts That Will Make You Feel Like a Kid Again
I’m not going to lie: I’m in my 30s and I still get excited about fun facts. But it’s not just me, you can find all sorts of people out there who love learning about the world around them, even if it’s just for a few minutes. And that’s okay. If you’re like me, then here are some funny trivia questions that will make you feel like a kid again:
You can safely swim right after eating.
You can swim right after eating. It’s true. Swimming after eating is safe for most people, but it’s still a good idea to check with your doctor first if you have any health concerns or are prone to cramps.
Read more: For Your Monthsary, Here Are Reasons to Buy FlowersIf you do experience any heartburn during a workout, stop swimming and rest until the pain subsides. Then resume your workout slowly while drinking plenty of fluids (which will help ease the burning sensation).
A hedgehog’s heart beats 300 times a minute on average.
Most people know that a hedgehog’s heart beats 300 times per minute on average, and this is one of several fun facts that prove it’s the cutest animal on the planet. But did you know that a human heart beats about 72 times per minute?

The hedgehog can go for 3-4 days without food or water.
Hawaii has its own time zone, Hawaiian Standard Time.
If you ever find yourself in Hawaii, keep an eye on the clock. The state doesn’t use a standard time zone like the rest of the country. Instead, it has its own creation known as Hawaiian Standard Time, and it’s so much more than just a phrase to say while ordering a mai tai.
In fact, Hawaiian Standard Time is a real thing that’s used by the state and recognized by federal law (fun fact: not all states have their own time zones).
It’s 10 hours behind Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), which means that if it’s noon in New York City when you arrive at your hotel in Honolulu, it will be 2 p.m., 10 hours earlier than New York City time. And there are no daylight savings months here.
A nuclear submarine can go 90 times longer without refueling than a diesel-electric sub.
If you’ve ever wondered how submarines can stay submerged for so long, the answer is in their power source. Diesel-electric submarines only need to surface periodically to recharge their batteries, while nuclear submarines generate their own electricity through a reactor. This allows them to operate without surfacing or replenishing fuel for weeks or even months at a time.
However, nuclear power comes with its own set of problems: firstly, it’s expensive; secondly, it’s dangerous; and finally, and most importantly, it’s not safe. Nuclear reactors can have radioactive leaks that could potentially kill everyone on board if they aren’t handled properly by trained technicians (which they often are not).
Sharks have thousands of teeth, but they’re not all in their mouths at the same time.
Sharks have thousands of teeth, but they’re not all in their mouths at the same time. The reason for this is that shark teeth are not like human teeth.
They’re embedded in the gums and shed every two weeks or so to make room for new ones. As a result, there are only hundreds to hundreds of thousands at any given moment, depending on the species.
Sharks’ mouths also contain rows of sharp cutting edges called serrae (or “saw-teeth”) that help them tear apart their prey; some sharks can even crush stones with their jaws.
The average person has 10,000 taste buds.
Did you know the average person has 10,000 taste buds? These little buds are the sensors in your mouth that help you detect sweet, salty and bitter flavors. You have fewer than 100 on your tongue itself but they’re distributed throughout the inside of your mouth. Some people can be born with an extra 2,000.
The number of taste buds we have determines what we can actually taste (and how well). People with fewer than 3,000 might not be able to tell the difference between coffee and tea. The most sensitive tasters should be able to distinguish up to 20 different tastes at once, but most people only recognize four or five at once.
All of these taste receptors send signals from our tongues through nerves in our mouths into our brain so we can identify flavors. They re-grow every 10 days or so which is why some foods stop tasting good after a while: We’ve used up all those receptors.
Cows have best friends and get stressed when separated from them.
Cows have best friends, and are stressed when they’re separated from each other.
Cow companionship is so important that dairy cows often develop strong social bonds with other cows in the herd. These friendships can last for years. It’s not uncommon for cows to stick together even after being separated or sold to new farmers.
Researchers found that when two female farm animals were placed together within their own pens (not yet moved into neighboring stalls), one cow would become subordinate to another within 24 hours, even if they hadn’t interacted before.
This was true even if they had never been provided with any stimuli or encouragement from humans during this time frame; it seemed like instinctive behavior based on familiarity alone.*
The researchers concluded: “Our results suggest that affiliative relationships may be formed between unfamiliar individuals through visual contact alone.”
I hope these fun facts have been a pleasant surprise, and reminded you of some things that you may have forgotten. As a kid, I loved learning new things; it made me feel like my world was bigger than I knew. Hopefully you’ve enjoyed learning something new today.